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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

OGMS Annual Rock & Gem Show

COMING SOON- OGMS  42nd Annual Galaxy of Gems Expo! This is an annual event for our club, and the Show Committee works really hard to make sure it is always fun filled and enjoyable for all ages. This Year our show will feature petrified wood, which is one of the most varied and exciting of all mineral categories. The club members have collected specimens and samples from all over the world to dazzle you and possibly turn you into a rockhound!

The show runs through the weekend of November 19th-20th, and is always free parking and admission. If you have some kids, bring 'em along, there are loads of fun and educational activities for the youngsters. You have never seen fun until you bring some kids to a rock show!

Jewelry students should really consider dropping by too. Gem and mineral shows are the BEST place to find lapidary rough, cabochons, tools, findings, beads and books. You will also get some great deals because rockhound businesses are usually mom & pop operations that don't have huge mark-up and of course no shipping- cash & carry! Our vendors are great, they come every year and they LOVE us, so they bring their best stuff.

Of course, no gem & mineral show would be complete without some collections and educational exhibits. Our club members put together some really dandy cases. They are a very creative bunch, and they like to come up with new themes every year! We also get guest educators from all over the region to visit. The Bureau of Mines, natural history organizations, geological survey companies, gemologists, we invite and they come on down- you never know who you might meet, but they will be interesting folks!

So if you have some time and want some educational and entertaining fun, please join us at The 42nd Annual Galaxy of Gems Expo, Oxnard Performing Arts Center, November 19th & 20! you can find more info here: OGMS SHOW